Rick Miller
President / Sole Member
I created my consulting business and formed this team so I may do anything and everything I want to do in my life, gear design wise and so much more. Contact me when your engineering job is too big and your staff resources are stretched. One call to me will be the start of the answer you seek, the Innovative Drive Solutions answer. More about Rick.
Words to live by: ”Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Monica Miller
Chief Marketing & Media Officer
I joined the team the IDS team to give poetic license to all things gears and how Rick Miller designs them to move and function quietly. Contact me with your incredible inquiries for Rick’s engagements, guest blog opportunities, expert witness, and in-person or virtual guest lecturing at engineering schools around the globe.
Words to live by: “Why use two words when one will do.”
Marietta CPAs are the people behind the inventor and team at Innovative Drive Solutions crunching the numbers so the design engineer has time to innovate and solve mechanical engineering problems for his clients.
Words to live by: ”Ask your accountant first. You’ll be glad you did.”